But it is interesting how just making the commitment to participate puts you in a certain mindframe to be open to change and inspiration in your life. Since I have gone through this book a couple of times before, I have found, like some others, that many of the emotional issues have been dealt with. But that said, I have found that this time through the daily pages have been very productive in terms of working practical problems out, quieting the fears, making or trying on plans, and working though ideas for future pieces. Somehow just writing the ideas down makes it more real and I find that I "think on them" through out the day as I work or do other stuff. This is why I am feeling the pressure to finish up the last of the decluttering and moving the studio. It is the last little bit of jobs like these that are so challenging. It is the stuff you don't quite want to ditch, but don't quite want to keep and don't quite have a place to store them. Why am I such a pack rat? And why is it that the minute you throw something out you need it? Even after years of not even thinking about it or remembering that you had it in the first place? How neurotic is that?
But all in all things are moving along nicely. I know I am getting to the ending point because already I am wanting to rearrange furniture and stuff so that it is more "workable". I know this phase...I remember it from all those years of moving around when I was in theatre. This signals that I am almost finished and am feeling like it is home. But it still is the hardest part to stick to and get it finished. Completion! What a concept.
wonderful work jackie! i'd love to see a picture of your studio once it's all set up. completion does feel good. i'm a bit of a pack rat also, so know what you mean about how de-cluttering can give a sense of creative freedom. i'm glad you're not giving up. i think you're doing great!!
I wonder if artists tend to be pack rats because of the need for visual stimulation. My 'stuff' inspires me -- until it's piled up so that I can't see it anymore.
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Ethan Potter
Your site is kind of new, but it still may have a decent chance.
I can relate, Jackie. The AW journey for me as also created a need to declutter, and while I have not progressed to completion, I'm on my way, and feel lightened for it. I feel a sense of hopefulness from you and growing momentum.
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