A place to put my vaguely daily art sketchings, and thoughts, wanderings, whatever else has to do with creativity in my life
Monday, October 31, 2005
Soul Cards again
The one with the mirror reads "Conversations with a Mirror" and "I am your energy source. Make me Work for you. I have been dealing with body image issues, this is a reflection of this.
The other one reflects my dream to work full time as an artist, a creative person again. Something I am slowly working on.
these are gorgeous jackie! i especially love the mirror piece. how did you get the words in the bottom half of the piece on there?
Kat, It is a packing tape transfer...but in rubbing off the paper I rubbed a bit too hard and some of the lettering came off too so I went over it with a sharpie. If you need to know how to do a packing tape transfer let me know and I will post how I do it. jackie
I have spent most of my adult life designing and making real costumes for imaginary people Now I am making imaginative jewelry for real people! God has me on a new pathway to purpose; new discoveries, new challenges, and new excitements.
these are gorgeous jackie! i especially love the mirror piece. how did you get the words in the bottom half of the piece on there?
Kat, It is a packing tape transfer...but in rubbing off the paper I rubbed a bit too hard and some of the lettering came off too so I went over it with a sharpie. If you need to know how to do a packing tape transfer let me know and I will post how I do it. jackie
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