Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Ideas Distracting me from My Job

do something with journal prompts

ab: legendary women

How do ideas come to us? I find that this is an ever-fascinating subject to talk about with other creatives. I used to think that I was some kind of wierd one...I would be in the middle of a conversation and someone would say something and an idea for a painting or a project would come to mind and zoom...there my mind would go and I would be gone from the conversation for minutes at a time while my inner eye saw the project progress. Now I find that many creatives are the same. Nice to know I am not alone in living an inner creative thought life.

But really, how ideas come is just part of the fun of creating. The problem is finding a way to capture those ideas as they come, because for me, as soon as they come, they are gone. I need to record them in some fashion. I always think that I will remember them, but I don't. Over time I have solved some of the problems with this. I keep a sketch book at my bedside with a flashlight and pen to jot ideas or sketches down when they wake me from sleep or I dream about them. At work I discreetly keep a 3x5 post-it note pad to jot ideas down (if I don't I would never get anything done at work). And of course I have a journal and a sketch book/sketch journal that I carry with me. But I am currious about how others deal with this delema. Sometimes the journal/sketch book/post-it-notes are clunky. And what do you do while driving?? I get lots of my ideas while driving...but I am not one who can drive and write at the same time...and you wouldn't want me to either!!

Any suggestions?

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