These are the colors that I have now in my watercolor collection. Many of my colors were dried up. It has been a while since I have done much watercolor work. I am wondering which colors I should add to my collection, if any?
The Field palatte seems to be a wierd collection of colors. I have not worked with this palatte much (it was a giftand just haven't used it) Any suggestions on colors to loose or colors to add?

I don't do any work in particular when I am out and about doing sketching, I seem to do a variety of things; landscapes, people, buildings, a little water, our city is on a river, etc. I live in the midwest so no oceans or mountains.I have a list of Winsor & Newton London series (I think these are student grade) colors that have dried in the tubes. I am wondering if I can slice the tubes open and use them like cake watercolors. Anyone know?

I am going to be going to Laguna Beach, CA for a week for training to become a life coach. I will be staying right on the beach. I would like to spend my free time doing some ocean studies and sketches. I have never been near the ocean at a time when I wanted to try my hand at it. Any suggestions on colors to add or do I have enough to mix and play with?